I was listening to the radio when I heard about "idioms" and how we botch them. We are all doing it the native as much as anyone else. I found it hilarious, so I decided to do some research the following are the most commons. Please feel free to add in the comments your favorite saying.
Every language has its own expressions, sayings or idioms. They illustrate figuratively, they use sometimes metaphors, puns, to tell us of ways to live, to act, gives ideas, principles, and values. Every country has their own Idioms
Is to put an end to it before it gets the opportunity to grow
I could care less vs. I couldn't care less.
Means that you do not care, you have to use the negation form "Could not"
One in the same vs. One and the same.
Means that two things are the same.
Each one worse than the next vs. Each one worse than the last.
Means the situation is not better than the previous one, in fact, it is worse.
On accident vs. By accident.
Statue of limitations vs. Statute of limitations.
Means Maximum time after an event when legal proceedings may be initiated.
For all intensive purposes vs. For all intents and purposes.
Means the most practical situation.
He did good vs. He did well.
Extract revenge vs. Exact revenge.
Means to inflict punishment.
I'm giving you lead way vs. I'm giving you leeway.
Means to make progress.
Made a complete 360 degree change vs. Made 180 degree change.
Means to make a big change.
Champ at the bit vs. chomp at the bit.
Means to be impatient, eager.
A moot point vs. A mute point.
Means it is no longer relevant.
One Foal swoop vs. One fell swoop.
Mean all at once in a single action.
On tender hooks vs. On tenterhooks.
Means is to be in a state of tension.