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Showing posts from April, 2010

Children say the Funniest Things

~~~~~~~~~~   A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales.  The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small. The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible. The little girl said, 'When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah'. The teacher asked, 'What if Jonah went to hell?' The little girl replied, 'Then you ask him'. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   A Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each child's work. As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, 'I'm drawing God.' The teacher paused and said, 'But no one knows what God looks like' ...

Criticism and Critics

  How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct. Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881) Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do. Dale Carnegie To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915) Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't. Eleanor Roosevelt (1884 - 1962) Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance, or a stranger. Franklin P. Jones Pay no attention to what the critics say... Remember, a statue has never been set up in honor of a critic! Jean Sibelius (1865 - 1957) Against criticism a man can neither protest nor defend himself; he must act in spite of it, and then it will gradually yield to him. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832) Never criticize a man until you've walked a mile in his moccasins. Native American Proverb     Pe...

Happy Easter!

~ Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless. ~ share this Easter saying Charles M. Crowe ~ The story of Easter is the story of God's wonderful window of divine surprise. ~ share this Easter saying Carl Knudsen ~ Easter tells us that life is to be interpreted not simply in terms of things but in terms of ideals. ~ share this Easter saying Charles M. Crowe ~ Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won't stay there. ~ share this Easter saying Clarence W. Hall ~ Easter so longed for is gone in a day. ~ share this Easter saying James Howell ~ Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won't stay there. ~ share this Easter saying Clarence W. Hall ~ On Easter Day the veil between time and eternity thins to gossamer. ~ share this Easter saying Douglas Horton ~ Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life. ~ share this Easter saying S.D. Gordon ~ Those have a short Lent, ...