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La Pieta.

  In the midst of war and strife, Lies a world full of human life, Suffering and pain, tears and cries, As the ground beneath them dies. Mothers weep and children cry, As bombs fall from the sky, Fathers lost and brothers gone, As the battle rages on. Innocent lives caught in the crossfire, As the hatred and anger conspire, Leaving behind a trail of destruction, And a world full of disruption. Yet amidst all this chaos and despair, There is still a glimmer of hope and care, For those who strive for peace and love, And look to the heavens above. Let us come together, hand in hand, And build a world that we can all understand, Where the sun shines on every face, And we all live in a world full of grace.

War In Ukraine Path to WWIII

A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government. Edward Abbey ~ Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first. Charles de Gaulle ~ Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all others because you were born in it. Bernard Shaw   ~ Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory. George S. Patton ~ I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. Albert Einstein   ~ War does not determine who is right - only who is left. Bertrand Russell  ~ War: a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other. Paul Valery  ~ In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons. Herodotus ~ Honor is not the exclusive prop...

"I Have Anxiety."

" I have Anxiety " ( feeling worried, nervousness, or unease, typically about imminent treats or something with an uncertain outcome.), these are phrases we hear every day, said casually in the course of conversations. Then there are those who live with the reality of anxiety on a daily bases, they try to cope with simple tasks like brushing their teeth, where every situation is an endeavor, the only invariable and certainty are the voices in their head telling them there is "danger". People with the disorder live there days hoping that they will be able to survive the next attack. They look like everyone else, they do not carry their fears and their panics on their face. They hold a mask they spend years to perfect, hoping not to be discovered and ostracized. This blog is not about the clinical aspect of this illness, it is about the daily struggles of those who live with anxiety/panic disorder.  I would like for the reader to have a basic understanding of what...

Corona-19 creative Masks and cartoons

This is not a post to make you think but to make you smile. During these difficult times where everything is uncertain, this blog is to help you escape for only five minutes from the doomsday news we are bombarded every day, I know how serious this pandemic is, I believe the ripple effects will be felt for years. We the people will suffer the most... because of poor leadership leaders.  So here are a collection of cartoons and photos, I found some funny, others creative... I hope you will enjoy them as much as I did.   please, like.., share... and subscribe.       Do you think our leaders handled this pandemic appropriately? Share your comments...  The end... Thanks...

15 Funniest Christmas Cards with President Trump.

If you are looking original Christmas cards this season, I have found some great example : President Trump Theme.  and # Do not leave without following.#  ************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************   Send me your feedback or your comments and share the fun.  Click!#

10 Best Christmas Songs in the U.S.

There we are again, the Holiday Seasons.  It has been several years now the Holiday Seasons looks more like a marketing season, "buy buy buy season."  It is the rush as soon as October. The Goal is to get the most money out of the consumer, everyday we are bombarded by sales, deals  and specials we must have.   When I go to the mall, Halloween, Thanksgivings and Christmas are side by side; buy, buy, buy.... If we cannot go to the Mall, the Mall comes to you.  We do not have to move,  online super sales brings everything to your door. But Christmas is still my favorite holiday, I love to decorate my Christmas Tree.  I enjoy listening to my favorite radio station playing Christmas songs while passing by illuminated houses, it brings me so much joy and happy. Do you know the top Christmas Songs, let see if yours is on my list. let me know in the comment.  And don't forget to follow and subscribe.  Let start. ...

Top 10 new words in the engish language.

Language is a living thing, words die if they are not used and new ones are born because of novelties we come across such as the advancements in technologies, fashions, new things we need to name.  Linguistic Society of America Do you know the meaning of: Voluntourism. Answer:  People who volunteer and sightsee. FoMo: Answer: Fearing to miss out on something MoFo: Answer: Acronym for Mother Fuker. Freegan: Answer: recycling throwaway foods. Uber: Answer: Ride-sharing Taxi App Photobomb: Answere: Insert yourself into someone's photo. Stanky: Answer: Smelling unpleasant. Handsy: Answer:  tending to touch other people that is inappropriate or unwanted. Manspreading: Answer: Man seating legs apart taking too much space on a seat. Awesomesauce: Answer: Something excellent, great, spectacular. Do you kno...